Monday, May 17, 2010

Day 12

Today was a weird day. I felt sortof depressed or something for a lot of it. My IRT gave me a bag of chocolates which drove me crazy. I ate six. They were so good. But I felt pretty bad about them. Overall, I did have a healthy(ish) day though. I ate lots of fruit and veggies. I had frozen pizza for dinner (spinach and feta cheese) and didn't eat the whole thing! Since I've eaten a whole one twice in the last month I'm feeling like this is progress. Besides the chocolate, the only other unhealthy food I had was some chocolate mousse. It's finally all gone : ) I walked/ran two miles, but it was mostly running, so I feel good about that.
Today I just had so many negative voices in my head. I was calling myself names and really picking myself apart. This is something I have to work on. I would never let someone talk to me or my sisters the way I talk to myself. From now on, I'll try to replace negative criticisms with positive reinforcements. But it's going to be hard. I'm really stressing about some things. My semester grades are coming in (not my best work), I'm moving in a month, changing jobs, changing states, changing churches, getting braces, getting my wisdom teeth pulled, my mentoring program is coming to an end, and I'm still dealing with emotional fallout from the breakup a few weeks ago. That doesn't even really begin to explain everything. Still, what I want to do is separate my relationship with food from all of these things, so that my healthy lifestyle will be constant no matter what's going on in life. That's just something I'll have to work on...

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